Packaging management is essential to protect, preserve and improve the quality of the environment, protect human health, make prudent, efficient, and rational use of natural resources, and promote the principle of the circular economy.
Therefore, Spirotech bv is committed to the continuous improvement of both external and internal environmental performance through effective environmental packaging management.
We are aware that in our business activities, from development, production and distribution, various packaging materials are used directly and indirectly, and their improper use and disposal can cause environmental problems. Therefore, Spirotech promotes systematic packaging management according to the circular economy principle and strives to eliminate problematic or unnecessary packaging materials in the organisation.
To achieve these objectives, Spirotech bv follows the following guidelines:
Spirotech packaging policy statement
Spirotech follows the directives as established by the European Parliament according to 94/62/EC and 2018/852 regarding the management of packaging and packaging waste and the identification system for packaging materials.
The recycling code is an identifier that serves to characterise different packaging materials so that they can be properly sorted in waste treatment for reuse.